It has been almost a week since I last wrote. We went to my parents last Friday...I was thinking I needed to get Miles' clothes ready for bed before everyone got to Mom and Dad's house, and guess what?? I FORGOT MILES' CLOTHES!!!! I was so aggravated with myself! I did happen to have an outfit in the diaper bag. So that is what Miles wore to bed Friday night, Saturday, and Saturday Night.
Jim, Bonnie, Amy, Kristen, and Grandma Skeeter came to Dinner at Mom and Dad's on Friday night. After supper Roger, Sylvia, and Sarah came. The boys were so excited to see Sarah. They played very good until it was bed time. (Miles went to bed right after Jim and Crew got there, they did get to see him in the outfit they gave him last time they were here). The boys went down well.
Saturday we piddled around the house. Dad and Jim went rabbit hunting. Greg and I went to Walmart with out kids!! We hit the after Christmas Section, Toys, and Baby Clothes. Got the tote I wanted for the kids' playdough toys, found Miles a BOY Cabbage patch (even on sale!!), and that was about it. Didn't find any baby clothes I really wanted, and everyone told me Miles was getting clothes that night anyway, so I didn't worry about it. We went bowling as a BIG family! You could rent a lane at the bowling alley for $15 for an hour, and that included shoes for everyone and as much bowling as you could do. We got 3 lanes, and had a blast! It is computerized, so it put the bumpers up for the kids, and they had a ramp for the little ones. Logan loved it. Tucker did a frame or two. Seth coudln't wait for his turn. He didn't use the ramp but the 1st time or two, and after that, he bowled like a big kid! My Dad did REALLY good. I was so surprised. Greg broke 100, I didn't even get close. We had the place to ourselves until the very end. Everyone had a good time. I think it needs to become a tradition!! After we were done, we went back to Grandma Skeeter's house and got supper fixed. It was good stuff! We opened presents. The boys got clothes (Which I was excited about because they only got 1 outfit for Christmas, from my mom. Anna and Mickey usually gets them some, and they didn't this year). And a couple toys. We passed out one present at a time to the kids, it worked out very well! Aunt Sylvia made Logan and Tucker neat blankets for their beds, which they love. After presents, we got Roger and Sylvia's Wii out, and played and had dessert. Tucker fell asleep on Sylvia's lap. Logan and Miles stayed awake the whole time. They did fall asleep on the way home. We didn't leave until like 10:30. They did sleep in.
On Sunday, Grandma Ann came out and Aunt Jackie came for Supper. We played Bunco (which I got for Christmas). It was nice to get to visit. The guys watched the Colt's game. Just a nice relaxing day!
On Monday, Mom had to work. When we got up, Tucker was saying "Where is Grandma, I want to see her." I told him she was at work, and he kept repeating it. Mom got someone to work for her, so she got home about 45 minutes after we got up. They played trains and had a good time. We had lunch. Before we left Mom gave the boys a calendar for their room. She wrote on it when she was coming up (Jan 5th). She told them to cross out the days and count down to when she is coming. They thought that was pretty cool. They did very good leaving. They took naps on the way home (but short ones).
On Tuesday, Greg had to be at work at 8 for a phone meeting. So I decided to brave the Children' s Museum by myself. It was CRAZY!!! It wasn't too bad when we got there, but by the time we left, I was ready to go home. Didn't even get to ride the carousel, because the line was WAY too long. Greg had a doctor's appoiment for 1:30, so he went to it. They gave him some medicine to try. We will see.
Wednesday Greg and I both had chirporactor appoiments. Mine was at 9:35 and I'm not sure what time Greg's started. It was the 1st time Greg had ever gone, so it took a while. The doctor thinks he could help Greg's tummy issues he has been having. Anyway, Greg needed to go. We were there over 2 hours. But the boys did GREAT! Came home had lunch and took naps! The boys had supper and then we went to Best Buy. We used our Best Buy gift card and got a couple new Wii Games (an Outdoor Adventure game that cousin Sarah had that we really liked, and a Fitness Coach one that looks cool). Came home, and Greg and the Big Boys played the Wii, while I put Miles to bed and got the stuff down to put our tree and stuff away. (At the last minute we called, Kevin, Sarah, and Bryce, but they decided not to come). The boys played a little bit and went to bed later than normal. Greg ordered Pizza (gift cards are awesome!!). Went and picked it up while I started taking down the tree. I got Miles' and Tucker's ornaments off the tree and started on Logans by the time Greg got back. They ran out of the crust we ordered, so they gave us our order at 1/2 price and threw in another pizza. Which I didn't mind. We ate, and I finished taking down the tree. Greg read about our new games and played some. Once I was done, he helped me put the tree and extras in the bag, and put it in the garage. I finished taking everything down, and we got to play. We were both too tired to try our new games (they are both VERY active games), and we played Mario Party with 30 rounds. We stopped with like 10 or so plays to go and watched the ball drop and have our sparkling grape juice. Finished up our game and crashed in bed! It was a nice night. We were very surprised that no one called at Midnight to wish us a Happy New Year. Usually Anna and Mickey call.
The boys were quiet, so we didn't get out of bed until about 8:15 or so. And have had a lazy morning so far. We are planning on vegging the rest of the day and enjoying the boys. Tomorrow is Logan and Miles' doctor's appointments at 10:30, and Greg had a chiropractor's appointment at 9:30...should be fun!!
Sorry for the long post...but it has been so crazy around here.
Happy New Year. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed year!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago
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