We had Miles' 9 month and Tucker's 2 1/2 year well visit at the doctor's on Thursday.
Miles weighed 20 pounds (38%), 28 inches (36%) and his head was 17 3/4 inches (44%). It seems like a lower percentage than the bigger 2 boys, but I haven't gotten out their books to find out. She said he looks wonderful! He is crawling around like crazy. He is working on his top teeth. Today we did his handprints and footprints in clay to frame. We had to redo them a couple times cause they kept on messing up. But I think they turned out good
Tucker was 32 1/2 pounds (75%) and 36 1/2 inches (51%). She said he looked wonderful too. We have been potty training him. Hasn't been going very good. He was doing great, and then he started having accidents a lot. We are having more trouble with him than Logan, but they are 2 very different boys! Tucker is VERY stubborn. He has been having an attitude lately. Hopefully we can change that soon!
Logan didn't have an appointment. We did put him on the scales while we were there. He weighed 38 pounds. She checked him because he had a cough, but he was fine. He is getting so big. He tries to boss Tucker and Miles a lot. He is very loving though.
We still don't know what we are doing with our house yet. We are putting it on the market soon. Greg went and looked at 7 houses on Friday. We found 1 that we liked. So we will see!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
3 months ago